Close deals on repeat even without sales experience

Get your first customers, close deals predictably, then transition out of Founder-led Sales. We help you avoid the pitfalls that come with the territory.

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Are your cold email reply rates below 1%?
Are you ready to sell beyond your immediate network? If so far you’ve been booking meetings with your existing contacts, you’ve had it easy. Cold outreach to prospects is a whole different ballpark.
When people don’t know who you are, what you do, or have a reason to trust you, they won’t bother replying to your emails. Unless your messages are relevant, timely, and new you’ll often see reply rates under 1%. Even though the industry average is 4%.
You can count on us to fix your messaging and write outbound campaigns that get replies. All you have to do is hit “send”.
Getting ghosted after the demo?
Prospects today would rather not talk to sales. Even when you do get them to book a meeting there’s still a chance they won’t show up when the time comes. Or they ghost you right after the call despite saying they liked your demo. You then find yourself chasing them with email after email, but no luck.
Instead of being left in the dark, we’ll guide you how to navigate the sales process so you stay in control of your deals and close them faster.
Are business decision makers not seeing the value of your product?
You’ve been here before. All the technical stakeholders are eager to get started but the budget holder is blocking the deal. Frustrating, isn’t it?
Without buy-in from these economic buyers you’re not getting the budget approved and you can say goodbye to doing business with the company.
Here’s the thing: companies don’t buy products and benefits. They buy opportunities and insurance. We help translate your product features and technical lingo into a business case that buyers can’t refuse.
Now imagine if instead of getting rejected, ghosted, and losing to the competition, you could close deals on repeat!
When you know exactly what to do and what to say, suddenly you’re able to overcome any objection and get contracts signed faster.
Not only that, but after you see those first signs of traction you’re ready to build a sales team and take the first step towards transitioning out of Founder-led sales.
But how are you planning to do this if you’ve never been taught how to sell?
We help you validate Sales-Market Fit without the guesswork. Get support each step of the way from prospecting to closing and everything between.
You choose the scope, we help you deliver
Monthly Mentorship
1-hour mentorship session every week that puts you in control of your sales activities for the week ahead
On-demand Support
“Sales issues? I got you!” Get answers to your burning questions in a business day or less so you can focus on growing your business.
Sales tooling setup
Get help setting up Hubspot CRM and Apollo. Plenty of other sales tool to choose from, but the goal is to enable you with the minimum viable sales stack. That way you stay in control throughout the sales process without blowing your budget.
End-to-end Outbound Campaigns
Take the load off your shoulders by having experts create your outbound messages for you. All you have to do is hit “send”. We’ll use LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Clay, and other relevant sources to build lists for you, and write campaigns that have the highest chance of booking meetings.
Proven Sales Frameworks
Get free access to all our sales frameworks filled with actionable tips you can apply instantly. Whether you need help with cold calling, writing cold emails, improving your pitch on product demos (and more), we’ve got you covered.
Content creation done for you
Get the word out there and generate inbound leads by building awareness and trust around your company. All without lifting a finger.

Word on the street

Meet Your Mentor

Viktor has 10+ years of full-cycle experience in tech sales covering Manufacturing and SaaS.

He was the first sales rep on the ground at Bitrise (YC W17) helping them scale from 3M to 22M USD in recurring revenue.

”When I joined Bitrise we didn’t have a sales process, Hubspot wasn’t setup, and the average deal size was under 3k ARR.

In less than 3 months I proved that we can close $40k+ contracts, later on even closing deals up to $400k ARR. In my last year at the company I was promoted to lead the EMEA Sales team and grow them from 2 to 9 Account Executives.

In this time I’ve seen the Sales team grow from 1 to 50+ people, worked closely with the GTM team to launch new offerings aimed at the enterprise segment, and transition our packages from a flat rate to usage-based pricing.” - Viktor Hatfaludi

Today he’s a Sales Consultant and Trainer at Revenue Ramp helping B2B Startups go from $0 to $10M ARR.

Get started with Monthly Mentorship
and add modules as needed
Monthly Mentorship
1.950 EUR
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Book a free intro call today!
1 hour live mentorship /week (recorded)
90 minutes of call reviews /week (2-3 customer calls)
Unlimited Slack support
Access to all sales frameworks
"Extremely practical and useful"
”We wanted to fine-tune our sales person hiring process and to update the outbound sales processes. We received the latest, top-notch techniques well documented in reusable format. Moreover in the coaching phase we learnt how to use them in our daily life. This is the IKEA of sales!”

Zsolt N. - CEO
Here’s your roadmap
Step 1
Book a free intro call

Let’s discuss your sales challenges and get insights on how we’ve helped others Founders overcome them. By the end of our call you’ll know if this program is the right fit for you. We’ll be the first ones to tell you if it’s not.

Step 2
Get started with Monthly Mentorship

If you hate the kind of sales trainings that are broad and general this will feel like a breath of fresh air. We don’t just tell you what to do, but show you how you can apply these learnings instantly. Most of our customers start seeing improvements from week two.

Step 3
Add modules as needed

Grow your customer base faster by choosing additional services or continue with Monthly Mentorship. You can’t close pipeline you don’t have so you can either make time for sales activities or we help take the load off your shoulders. Your choice.

Book a call
Here’s your roadmap
Step 1 - Book a free intro call

Let’s discuss your sales challenges and get insights on how we’ve helped others Founders overcome them. By the end of our call you’ll know if this program is the right fit for you. We’ll be the first ones to tell you if it’s not.

Step 2 - Get started with Monthly Mentorship

If you hate the kind of sales trainings that are broad and general this will feel like a breath of fresh air. We don’t just tell you what to do, but show you how you can apply these learnings instantly. Most of our customers start seeing improvements from week two.

Step 3 - Add modules as needed

Grow your customer base faster by choosing additional services or continue with Monthly Mentorship. You can’t close pipeline you don’t have so you can either make time for sales activities or we help take the load off your shoulders. Your choice.

Find out if this program is the right fit for you
Answer these questions:
Do you have a hypothesis of who your ideal buyer is, what pain points you intend to solve for them and how you plan to do it?
Have you received a Pre-Seed or Seed investment yet?
Are you ready to commit 10-20 hours of your time each week to talk to potential buyers?
Have you accepted that validating demand in the market will take 3-6 months?
Do you ask for help when you get stuck and keep an open mind to the feedback you receive?
If you answered no to any of these questions, you won’t get the value you’re looking for. Same if your projected deal sizes are under 10k ARR.Instead, consider downloading a copy of my e-book, “The Tech Founder’s Guide to B2B Sales” (PDF, 45-pages), and get started for free.
If you answered yes to all five questions,
we’ll help you validate Sales-Market Fit by
fixing your messaging so that both technical and business stakeholders understand the value of your products
building business cases with you that buyers can’t refuse

helping you close deals faster by creating urgency and avoid getting ghosted

setting up your minimum viable sales stack that takes the guesswork out of sales without overspending on tools
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Who’s this program for?
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For Technical Founders of tech Startups selling to businesses and are getting started with direct sales. Your target ACV should be more than 3k ARR, but preferably around or above 10k ARR.

What specific challenges does your mentorship program address?
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We’ll talk internally and get back to you
Not interested
Not the right time
I’m not the right person
We already have a solution in place
We don’t have budget for new tools


Low email reply rates despite sending high volume messages
No-shows when meeting is booked
Meeting gets pushed out (rescheduled) time after time
User disappears as soon as the trial started
Sent pricing but not getting a reply (despite follow ups)

Sales cycle is taking too long:

Have to send multiple follow ups just to book a next meeting (too much time in Between meetings)
Constant trial extension requests
Not feeling in control of the sales cycle
Having difficulty building urgency (buyer says there’s no strict deadline for the project)

Not enough opportunities:

No inbound leads
Creating content takes time
Don’t know what tools to use to start outbound

Buyers don’t see the value:

Economic buyer won’t approve the budget
Procurement is asking for high discounts
Losing deals to the competition

Building your first sales team:

How to find top talent (avoid mishires)
I don’t have the experience to coach my reps on how to improve in sales
I need visibility into how reps are working to make sure we’ll reach targets

How do you measure the success of the mentorship program?
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At the start of the program we pick the top 1-3 things keeping you from creating and/or closing pipeline and focus only on those areas. We look at what's called "leading indicators" and monitor how they change before and during the program.

For building pipeline these are email reply rates, meetings booked rates, and meeting booked to opp created rates.

For closing deals we look for specific information being collected at each step of the buyer journey. These signal to us if you have a real opportunity or if there's a lack of need or urgency within the account.

Do you guarantee revenue results?
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The program is designed to pay for itself if there’s a need for your product on the market. Just how you can’t guarantee there’s a market for your offering we can’t guarantee revenue.

If there’s a need for what you’re building you will either see your existing pipeline get closer to closing or you will create your first real opportunities with us.

We do this by helping you verify Sales-market fit. That’s knowing if you’re targeting the right people with the right problem and using the right messaging to get their attention. If you do have Sales-market fit you will be able to close your first customers with us.

Do you have references from past customers?
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Yes. Some testimonials are featured on our website and on G2 Crowd. Customer success stories will also be available soon.

What support can we expect during the program?
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Expect regular sessions and on-demand support. This includes weekly 1:1s, call reviews, and async chat support over Slack. Everything you need to focus on acquiring your first customers.

Do you offer custom packages?
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The focus of our program is tailored to your Startup’s specific needs. After a short audit we’ll make a proposal for what’t the right plan of action for you.

What is the minimum commitment period for the program?
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While there's no minimum time commitment, most Founders work with us for a minimum of three months and tend to see improvements in leading indicators after week two.

Can we adjust the scope or focus of the mentorship program if our needs change?
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Yes, that's the beauty of this program. We start off with the things holding you back the most from growing revenue and as we resolve them you can decide to change the scope.

Founders at that point either ask us to design their outbound campaigns for them so all they have to do is hit "send", or help them transition out of Founder-led Sales.

What are your hourly rates?
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The program prices are fixed so you can budget your investment and cash flow accurately. We don’t work with hourly rates beyond the program scope.

Will you generate leads for me?
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We’re not a lead gen agency and so we don’t book meetings for you. We do give you the resources and support you need to build your pipeline yourself. We believe that successful Startups want to retain the sales knowledge so they’re not over-reliant on external factors. Also if the Founders themselves can’t sell their product how could they expect their future Sales Reps to?

Book an intro call today and secure your spot!
Worst case you leave with one action item you can apply straight after our meeting.
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"The most practical and actionable sales methodologies I ever got."
"Schedule a meeting, because I guarantee you will get value in the first 10 minutes already.”

Benedek H. - CEO
Not ready to commit? Download the Tech Founder’s Guide to B2B Direct Sales